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Are you feeling the call to go deeper on your Spiritual Journey?

Kiah Williams

Are you wanting to go to a new level of inner transformation & empowerment?

Facilitating virtual Spiritual Mentoring,

Inner Journeywork and Past Life exploration 

Inner Journey work helps you 'go within' to receive personal direction and transformation from your

Higher Self

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Hello I'm Kiah Williams.

I assist people to access their own inner guidance for personal healing, guidance and transformation.


 It is my intention on this platform to assist and facilitate your expansion into a new version of yourself and your reality through the advanced tool of inner journeying.





​Join me in a private video session or learn the skills of Inner Journey work

 Get my free short Inner Journey meditation & join our email list

I am so deeply grateful for my Journey session with Kiah. I felt in very safe hands and was blown away by the laser like insight I gained to my intention. I feel like the session has been a profound catalyst for huge shifts in my life. Thank you again Kiah.

- Davini. L

 How Inner Journey work benefits us to access past lives, healing and wholeness .






  • Feel unclear about your purpose & direction.


  • Want to know what would be best for you in a situation.


  • Feel stuck on your spiritual or physical path.


  • Feel a pull to deepen your spiritual path.


  • Want to align fully with the eternal essence that you are.


  • Desire healing & wholeness in some area of your life.


  • Would like to access past lives or ancestral links.


Inner Journeying can transform your inner & outer world if you... 

Examples of questions asked for Inner Journeying

  • What do I need to be aware of at the moment in order to move forward/expand?


  • How can I feel more fulfilled and have clarity around my purpose and direction?


  • ​How can I move on/forward from this perceived limitation or blockage?


  • Are there any past life issues that I would benefit from clearing and understanding?


I wasn’t sure what to expect with the Journey meditation that Kiah specialises in, but any skepticism on my part was dissipated with a truly enlightening session which has given me insight into strengths and knowledge that my higher self brought forward. Strengths that I can draw on as I navigate life’s changes in the months ahead. 


-Kathy. N

What is Inner Journey Work?

Inner Journey work is a journey into consciousness without the external assistance of plants or medicine. The technique of Inner Journeying allows us to access the wisdom of our Higher Self using meditation, body, mind and energy techniques to access answers to questions about our experiences, purpose, direction and wholeness. 

How does Inner Journeying Work? 

What can  Inner Journeying Work do for us?

In an aligned meditative state of observation, Inner Journeying works with the Higher Self to access information that is pertinent at the time. That is, whatever the person would benefit from knowing right at that moment, is revealed to them in the journey. Sometimes a childhood experience is revealed, a past life, or any form of symbolic communication can be presented to allow the opportunity for the person to clear, heal or understand.

Inner Journeying work helps us to gain different perspectives in finding wholeness, healing and clarity. It can help us access creativity and direction while assisting us to releasing any programs or experiences,  that may be limiting our fullest potential and connection. Sometimes deep memories that have been forgotten, may have something in them that require closure or release to allow us to move forward in joy.  Inner Journey work takes us into a more expanded awareness of ourselves, our experiences and our reality,  giving us new vision and purpose.

Why is Inner Journey work important now?

We stand at the threshold of a new reality, We are having to think differently about what it means to be whole, empowered and human today. Doing our own healing work and knowing who we truly are as Sovereign Eternal Beings allows for us to create our own realities and be a vitally important part of creating a new reality collectively.

Who can benefit from Inner Journeying?

Inner Journeying is very gentle and suitable for anyone who is looking to deepen their own spiritual life. Many people begin with a pertinent question or issue they would like to resolve. Even if you are not a regular meditator,  most people quickly learn how to relax their conscious mind to allow the journey to emerge.

Kiah Williams at her Rainforest Retreat

Meet Kiah Williams


 I am an inner journey and consciousness facilitator. I assist others to deepen their relationship with their Higher Self to access the answers they need for healing and expansion. I teach what it is to be Spiritually Sovereign and the creator of our own reality.


From a young age i have been interested in the investigation of this reality and my role within it. I have been on my spiritual path for around forty years and have always known that we are far more than what we have been led to believe. I believe that this is an important time for humanity to step up into a higher vision of what it means to be whole, human and connected.


Like many of us, I have a varied background which includes qualifications in the fields of hypnosis, quantum consciousness experience, HeartMath and breathwork . I have body mind qualifications, quantum healing, dowsing, tarot, chi kung, animal communication and remote journeying skills, which I utilise whenever they are required to be shared.


In the past I was an anthropologist investigating and working with over ten medicine men and shamans around the world to find what I could about the evolution of consciousness, personal healing, and prophesy. My experiences and interactions with these teachers allowed me to learn about my own Spiritual Sovereignty and my ability to heal myself and re create.


I have been teaching meditation and  Spiritual Sovereignty retreats over the past few years at my rainforest retreat in Queensland, Australia. I have years of experience guiding people on inner journeys. It brings me great joy each and every session and has literally restored my faith in humanity seeing how others take responsibility for their own healing and creations.


I feel blessed to be able to share my experience and facilitation with others as we journey together creating the new reality inwardly and outwardly.

You are the key to the
new reality.

Finding it difficult to go within? Get my free short Inner Journey meditation

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Are you ready to be Self Empowered & Confident on your Spiritual Journey?

Guided Inner Journeying  programs


Guided Inner Journey work with Kiah

More info

Eternal Essence Mentor Program: 

A 4 month Mentor Program integrating Past Lives, Energy Healing, Spiritual Sovereignty, and Conscious Creation.

Many of us feel ready to step into a new reality

That new reality is created by us

If you are here you feel the call to move into a deeper level of healing and wholeness for yourself, so that you can not only live your fullest potential and expression, but assist others and the world around you via your wholeness. 

You realise that going within to clear old programs and limitations is the only way to achieve this.




Connect with me

I highly recommend a Journey session with Kiah. The whole process was easy, calm and she talked everything through before the session began to calm my nerves. If you are looking to clear any energetic blocks then this is for you 

 - Sally. S

I wasn’t sure what to expect with the Journey meditation that Kiah specialises in, but any skepticism on my part was dissipated with a truly enlightening session which has given me insight into strengths and knowledge that my higher self brought forward. Strengths that I can draw on as I navigate life’s changes in the months ahead. 

- Kathy N.

I am so deeply grateful for my Journey session with Kiah. I felt in very safe hands and was blown away by the laser like insight I gained to my intention. I feel like the session has been a profound catalyst for huge shifts in my life. Thank you again Kiah.

- Davini. L

It's a beautiful journey

when we travel within.

Kiah Williams Inner Journey Work
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Ready to Journey Within?

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