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Tree Communication

kiah williams

Besides animal communication , tree communication is another of my favourites.

I have many stories of how trees have communicated to me. This one is a new addition and made me feel how alike to animals they are in how they talk.

When animals or trees talk to me I find they use a simplistic language similar to children.

This could definitely be just my understanding and perhaps its the best way my brain can interpret, but it tends to be sometimes cryptic and nearly all the time quite amusing.

While staying recently for a couple of nights at Port Douglas I took an early morning walk along the beach. On the way back I walked through a park with some large trees. Standing within the low branches of one tree I asked how he was. He replied that his roots go down to the ground. The response I  thought to myself was quite self evident. Yes tree roots go down into the ground. No surprises there . These big tropical tress were the variety with stringlike roots hanging down from their branches. They were still directing toward the ground even though they were in mid air. But when I looked around at the roots hanging from the branches, it appeared that on one side of the tree many of the hanging roots had been twisted around and then tied together in knots. It looked like someone had specifically tied them up because the knots were so precise.

I started to undo the knots which took quite a while. As as I did this I realised; "Yes your tree roots need to go down to the ground and flow freely, not be tied up in knots". This is why the statement "My roots go downward to the ground”. The tree was telling me that some of its hanging roots were not going down to the ground but had been tied up and knotted, much like someones hair would be in knots.

I laughed to myself about how easy it is to initially misinterpret what animals and trees say. But ultimately if you wait for a bit it all becomes quite clear. I love that about nature and animals, they are always ready to express something entertaining, interesting and wise, and when they need your help they quite often ask!

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