While having coffee at a coffee shop in the city I took note of the pigeons residing at the cafe. As an animal communicator I watched as they went about the tables and along the ground to eat any left over crumbs. One was driving himself nuts with a large chip while the others seemed to be just running around in circles. Looking at them they appeared so unhealthy with their feathers oily and scruffy, some of the pigeons limped. It was obvious that their cafe diet was not serving them well. People walked past them without care, shooing them away .
I tuned into one pigeon that was sitting on a rail near me looking down to the road at the people and traffic. I wondered what he was thinking. This environment was not his natural one. It was like this matrix had been overlaid over his original one. There were pigeon spikes on the building around us to stop them from resting there. There was 5 G towers, traffic, unhealthy food .
He looked despondent and I totally understood why. For some reason even though the overlay had enveloped them, they still chose to remain in that area, eating that food and living in that frequency. Programmed for so long to accept this lot, that there was no energy for contemplating anything better. Resignation that this was the best he was going to get and he had better keep it rather than venture to fly a few streets over to where a more natural habitat for food, air and connection would be. Was this his only worth?
When we cant see beyond the overlay and restrictions, we begin to think that they must be part of us. We fall into the trap of thinking there is nothing else even though we know that what has been overlaid upon us just doesn’t feel right and is not good enough. Apathy prevails because we are told to just accept what life offers, rather than having the courage to create the best for self and others. Looking at that pigeon it looked like he had not only given into the reality that was imposed upon him, but that he had even forgotten that he had every right as a living being to his own agency for living a fulfilled life somewhere else not too far away. Of course he had the choice to stay, but did he know that? We forget that we can choose our reality, when we have forgotten to care and connect with ourselves at a deep level.
I asked the pigeon how he felt and he told me he had ringing in his ears. I told him he was too close to the man made frequencies of 5 G and that if he flew a few streets over to the sea he would find a better life.
Not sure if he understood that concept of freedom, but at least I tried.
May all beings be free and sovereign in their body mind and consciousness.