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kiah williams

Cats & Lizards

animal communication

One of my most memorable animal communication sessions was for Neighbours cat. The poor cat was terrified of something that seemed to appear in the house when no one was there. When I asked the cat what was happening and why he was so scared he said that something came in the house with big sharp teeth and wanted to move in. The neighbour and I wondered what it could be until one day I received a call that her cat was looking into the lounge room and seemed stressed. On closer inspection there was a very large lizard halfway up the screen door . The Cat was beside himself. Well we seemed to have found the culprit, but did skink lizards have sharp teeth? On further investigation we found that skink lizards do indeed have sharp razor teeth.

My neighbour had taken a photo of the culprit and so I said that i would ask the lizard what was going on. The lizard said that the biscuits had been shifted and he was looking for them inside. He also said that he liked to be behind the freezer on the outside deck. I relayed this info to the neighbour and asked about the biscuits. Indeed she had left some cat biscuits outside for a few weeks for a stray cat and had recently brought them back inside. The lizard had obviously come inside looking or them and had altercations with the cat, perhaps baring his large teeth. The neighbour also said that she had found him behind the freezer. I said to the lizard that the owners did not appreciate him inside terrorising the cat and that if they put the biscuits back outside would he stay out on the deck but not inside? He agreed.. the neighbour put the cat biscuits back outside and was happy for the lizard to be behind the freezer on the deck but not inside.

A few days later I received a call saying that early in the morning they had seen the lizard eating the cat biscuits from the bowl they left outside and no more terrorising events for the cat inside! This is a beautiful and funny example of how we can work together with all animals including wildlife. All we need to do is choose to communicate with animals and they will communicate back, if we listen . What a wonderful world when we go within!

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